Anchor Generate Youth Camp

What an incredible week at camp! Our students spent the week at Wheaton College with about 180 other students from 8 other churches learning about God’s love for His lost people and our call to help them be found! We heard great sermons given by Reward Sibanda, and had worship led by Journey Worship Co. When we weren’t on campus, we were partnering with Feed My Starving Children and after 3 days of hard work, our crew packed 148 boxes of food!

Honduras Mission Team

Only have a minute to do a quick post from our team in Honduras: We have served 3 days in a beautiful mountain village, delivered Crossroads love and donations to an orphanage, and are seeing God move in amazing ways. Tomorrow/Sunday, we will attend church with our host families at PIER Church and then enjoy some Sabbath time as a team. We can’t wait to share all the amazing stories with our family and friends!!!


HS Mexico Mission Team

We had a team of 25 students and adults drive down to Acuña, Mexico to build a home for a family in need! Aside from the home itself, thanks to the generosity of our congregation, we were also able to gift them with a bathroom, 2 sets of bunkbeds, bedding, and an hvac unit. That single mom and her 3 kids were so very grateful! So cool to see the team being “Jesus with skin on” in that severely impoverished community!

Women’s Warrior Retreat

Our women had a fantastic time together as we learned what it means to be a Woman of Righteousness. We had a time of worship, large group teaching, and small group discussion time. It was truly a blessing to all who attended!

Bake Take & Rake

On Veteran’s Day weekend each year we all group up and go out into the community to rake the yards of Veteran’s to show our appreciation for their service. This is a great family service opportunity!


S.O.N. Missional Team

What an awesome time our team had Serving Our Neighbors! Together we worked on plumbing, landscaping, handiwork, flooring, painting, and loving a sweet family!!

Summer Baptisms

What an incredible Baptism service we had! Nine baptisms, nine professions of faith, nine new lives in Christ! Watching Jesus change lives never, ever gets old!

S3 – Second Saturday Serve

S3-Second Saturday Serve is a time for our families to come together to serve once a month together. We had a property clean up as one of the options, along with packing food boxes for those i need in our community.

Men’s Retreat

Our men had a great time at Dickson Valley Retreat Center in Newark, IL. They dove into in God’s word, enjoyed some outdoor activities, and had some bonding time together! God calls each of us to be in community…this was a wonderful way to jump into that!

HS Winter Retreat

Our HS Students headed up to Silver Birch Ranch in Wisconsin for a weekend of growing closer to God, each other, and some fun outdoor activities! It’s always amazing to see what God does with these students when they get away to focus on Him and get recharged!

Christmas Eve Services

Our Christmas Eve services are always one of our favorite times of the year. There is nothing more peaceful and beautiful than singing Silent Night by candlelight. It’s just a beautiful way to celebrate our Savior’s birth!