2023 Mission Trip Dates: TBD
Honduras Mission Trip: June 18th – 26th, 2019

The Heart for Honduras Team
A team of 31 missionaries from Crossroads, San Pablo and other churches being the hands and feet of Jesus to serve the people of Honduras!

Construction Team
The construction team built two new classrooms for the school. This will allow the students to attend Kindergarten through graduation for the first time in this area.

Your Donations Blessing Many
40 orphaned children receiving your clothing donations with their names purposefully written on a bag for them. Being seen as a valued child of God is so important!

Casa Hogar Orphanage
The team spent the day at the orphanage which included a tour of the previously built addition by Hearts for Honduras organization.

Vacation Bible School
300 students were so excited to learn about the Fruits of the Spirit during VBS.. After each lesson, the children were fed a sandwich and drink. Volunteers helped make 100+ snacks per day!

Casa Hogar Orphanage
Visiting at the Casa Hogar Orphanage. Making a craft with the kids, sharing lunch, pinata fun, water balloons and other games, What a blessing!

Clothing Day
The team organized and gave away a TON of clothing, much from the Crossroads clothing drive, with shoes being a popular item. Hundreds of clothing items were donated by lunchtime!

Medical Care
A medical and dental clinic provided 1500 people with needed care. Numerous pharmacy students joined us from Utah to serve. The team also visited a remote school, handed out toothbrushes and toothpaste, and talked about oral hygiene.
For more information regarding the ministry, email Meredith Cutshall at, or call the church office at 630-585-7777.