As of 9.16.24 


1. Why transition now?  


In the Spring of 2023, Pastor Daren began a process of prayer and counsel regarding his role at Crossroads. This time of prayer for wisdom and discernment eventually led to an 18-month process to discover if this was God’s will for Crossroads. This led to a unified decision with the Board of Elders that it would be ideal for the church, as well as Pastor Daren personally, for a transition to begin this Fall that would culminate in him transitioning out of the Senior Pastor role in the Fall of 2027, at 65 years of age.  

Another point of reference is that in the Spring of 2021, the Elders began to search for a pastoral candidate to be our Associate Pastor – a role that we had not previously had here at Crossroads. A part of the criteria for the candidate was to have the potential to eventually succeed Pastor Daren. As a result of that process, Pastor Caleb became our Associate Pastor in July 2021.   

Thus, after much prayer and consideration, with the full support of the Board of Elders, Pastor Daren, and input from a consultant who specializes in church succession planning, Pastor Caleb will assume the title and responsibilities of Senior Pastor once Pastor Daren steps down in the Fall of 2027. 
2. Is Pastor Daren leaving or retiring once he is no longer the Senior Pastor? 


No. Pastor Daren’s desire, with the full support of our Elders, is to remain in ministry at Crossroads for the foreseeable future. We would not call it retiring, but redirecting his ministry focus in support of Pastor Caleb’s leadership as the church moves into the future.  


3. What will Pastor Daren be doing differently?  


At the time of the transition Pastor Daren will have just turned 65, and plans to continue to preach and be involved in discipleship in whatever capacity that Pastor Caleb and our Elders see fit.   


4. Who will fill the Associate Pastor role? 


Upon transition and after a sabbatical, Pastor Daren will temporarily assume some of the duties the Associate Pastor role entails at Crossroads. Tentatively, the Elders with Pastor Caleb are considering securing a long-term hire for the role after he has fully transitioned into the new role. Depending on our church needs, the hiring time targeted could be approximately 2-3 years after Pastor Caleb becomes our Senior Pastor. 


5. Why Pastor Caleb?  


As mentioned above, Pastor Caleb was called to Crossroads in July 2021, after a thorough search was completed by the ministry search firm Vanderbloemen. With this hire the Elders had the future of our church in mind – although there were no guarantees that this transition would happen with Pastor Caleb. During his time here at Crossroads, it has become readily apparent to the Elders, Pastors, and Staff that Pastor Caleb is indeed qualified to lead our church. We trust you agree! 

In addition to Pastor Caleb’s time at Crossroads, he has been in vocational ministry for 19 years. He has served in 4 other churches with leadership responsibilities overseeing students, children, and family ministry. Pastor Caleb also has earned 2 graduate degrees from seminary in theology and biblical studies. These were completed in 2010 and 2021. 


6. Did we consider other pastors for the position? 


No. However, we would have considered others with the counsel of Vanderbloemen had Pastor Caleb, the Elders, and Pastor Daren not been in alignment with the calling and needs for the church. The process with Pastor Caleb goes back almost 4 years to the search for an Associate Pastor and his eventual call to Crossroads. At the end of 2 years being the Associate Pastor at Crossroads, and after seeing demonstrable evidence of Caleb’s leadership, the Elders began to prayerfully discuss this transition between Pastor Daren and Pastor Caleb.  

7. What is going to change at Crossroads?


While Pastor Daren and Pastor Caleb will have a change in their respective roles and responsibilities when the transition completes, the Vision, Mission and Values of the church, as well as the supporting ministries of Crossroads will continue to be focused on:   

  • Expanding Christ’s Kingdom by making Disciple-makers and Planting churches.   
  • Loving Well by Reaching Out, in Christ.   
  • Love, Connect, Grow, Serve.  


8. When will the transition be officially completed?  


The transition is planned for completion in September of 2027.   


9. Who do I speak with if I have a question? 


At your convenience, any Elder or Pastor would be pleased to discuss questions you may have regarding this matter. In addition, there will be scheduled updates on the status of the transition. At minimum, the transition status will be discussed in the Crossroads Town Hall held in late February or early March of each calendar year.   



The Biblical role of Elder is that of overseer. (1 Timothy 5:17; Titus 1:7; 1 Peter 5:1-2), The general role of the BOE is to lead and guide the spiritual life and direction of the Church. This includes serving the body through teaching and preaching the Word (1 Timothy 3:2; 2 Timothy 4:2; Titus 1:9); protecting the church from false teachers (Acts 20:17, 28-31); exhorting and admonishing the saints in sound doctrine (1 Timothy 4:13; 2 Timothy 3:13-17; Titus 1:9); visiting the sick and praying (James 5:14; Acts 6:4); and judging doctrinal issues (Acts 15:6).  

For more information on our Board of Elders visit